Graphic designer and art student. Lead developer @retf2_esp and @badwolfserver. Community manager. I design shit so ther people can play better.

Jesus Vera @Drawer4Everyone

Age 30, Male


UPV Leioa School of Fine Arts

Bilbao - Spain

Joined on 1/17/10

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Summer... Long waited summer...

Posted by Drawer4Everyone - June 23rd, 2010

Since 2009s autumm, I had been in the school, working and and working, with no time for anything, just study and work: 3 exams in the week, school-works, very-but-very-very-very-stupid-classma tes... Everything that you can think and a bit more.

Well, but thanks to my sacrifice, today i can write this with no trouble, 'cause i pass all the exams, right now I'm totally free of work, and since I finished everything, I started to do many things; an example?

I did a flash with Andertxuman139 for the school, Had got a 10 rate and submited to one of the sites of the school, Wanna see it? look down! (Its a video, and the recording quality was HORRIBLE, so, you know). That site was made by one of my teachers and a good friend: Angel Muro.The first of all, I finally start with my profile appereance, the proof of that is my Header, I think Is beatiful, but a bit dark too, how I like.

/* */
Continue with my blog... I'm programing it.

I started a flash about a virus with my friend Andertxuman139 and TheWolfer; Anderxuman writes it, I draw the backgrounds and The Wolfer makes the funny voice. Also, with 7 friends (andertxuman and The Wolfer too) are making a Madness flash, inspired in tha school, I think this can convert me into a NG artist, how emotion!, ah, also one about TV advertisments, very funny, I laugh every time when I think in that...

With the great NG Radio Chat I make somefriends: Kolojuya, mac29299, Yoshikoshi, and how can I forget my same-place-buddy: Cerditoryan!, he's from Spain and have got an No-Kitty-Krew-Move, I support him and you should too... Can anyone ask to PsychoGolfish for when will be the site chat? Wanna use it right now! Well, but also must I say I meet Hih0shi, he asked my good friend andertxumanfor made two songs: a B-Wings and Star Soldier Orchestration, should listen to twice, they sound fantastic!

I want to buy somethin' in the NG store, but my fathers dont trust Internet, so... Im working on it.

I contribute to the Audio Portal with my Professor Layton Theme as a 8-bit way, because when I wrote this, it had an 4.36 rate! I'm so happy.

And you, thanks for read this, Im glad that someone had put interst in me.

Thanks and bye!
Ah! Other thing; Can you say what do you thing about my header? Thanks!

Summer... Long waited summer...


your header its great and very well drawn

Thank you so much, this is the first time that I combined Photoshop, Flash, Ilustrator and fireworks, but at last I only use Photoshop and Flash.

gracias por tu apoyo al movimiento
y el encabezamiento es cojonudo ARTISTA! :)

De nada, esta página es para artistas, y para la gente que quiera llegar a serlo o apoyar su trabajo, además, el staff nos ofrece espacio gratuito para que subamos nuestras obras, lo que a ellos les cuesta dinero, por lo que es normal que luchemos para que esa gente deje de costarle tiempo y dinero a NG, su mierda, que la suban a YouTube, y si tienen capacidad para hacer flash, lo cual se refleja en sus intros o sus preloaders, pues que hagan algo constructivo con sus vidas, ¡Pero que no jodan las nuestras!

Y gracias por lo de la cabecera, eso intento :)

Yeah... I've been waiting for summer too.

Like your header.

Si ... He estado esperando para el verano también. Al igual que su encabezado.

I don't know where are you from, but I'm happy that someone more is agree with me!

Thanx and nice to meet you! ;)
Ah, somethin' more: Your userpage image is cool, i like it!